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Mintago | London, UK
Inclusive Culture Initiative

Provide in depth information on the background and nature of your diversity initiative.

Mintago is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive. Our diversity and inclusion initiatives are designed to ensure that our workforce reflects the communities we serve, and that every employee feels valued and supported.
Mintago is a diverse and inclusive workplace and the team is employed from across the world. This has led to many different ages, genders and backgrounds coming together to create a business that is sustainable and relevant to many different individuals. Chieu Cao, CEO and Founder of Mintago, recognises that to make a successful business, he must employ people with differing views and skills which can be honed to work towards the most socially conscious service.
Mintago's commitment to diversity and inclusion has had a positive impact on the composition of its staff, resulting in a workforce that is reflective of the communities it serves. By implementing policies and practices designed to attract and retain a diverse range of candidates, such as a recruitment policy that reaches a broad range of people and remote working opportunities, Mintago has been able to bring together a team of individuals with a range of ages, genders, and backgrounds. This diversity has led to a sustainable and socially conscious business that is relevant to a broad range of individuals. As a result of its commitment to gender diversity, Mintago has achieved an impressive 40% representation of women in its senior leadership team, a significant achievement in the financial sector where female representation at senior levels remains low.
Mintago should be recognised due to the company's deep commitment to promoting diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace. Mintago recognises that to create a sustainable business and to provide financial wellbeing services that are relevant to a broad range of individuals, it must have a diverse and inclusive workforce.
Mintago has implemented several policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion, including a recruitment policy that reaches a broad range of candidates and remote working opportunities. Regular diversity and inclusion training is provided to all employees, helping them to better understand the challenges faced by underrepresented groups and how to create an inclusive workplace. Additionally the businesses performance management process is monitored and reviewed to ensure it is fair and unbiased.
The result of Mintago’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is a workforce that is reflective of the communities it serves, with individuals of various ages, genders and backgrounds working together to create a socially conscious business that is relevant to many individuals.

What impact do you feel your initiative has had on your clients/target audience?
The impact of Mintago's diversity and inclusion initiatives on its clients/target audience has been significant. By fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, Mintago has been able to create a business that is sustainable and relevant to a broad range of individuals. The composition of its staff reflects the communities it serves, which enhances the company's ability to understand and meet the diverse needs of its clients.
Mintago's commitment to gender diversity is particularly noteworthy, as it has achieved a 40% representation of women in its senior leadership team, a significant accomplishment in the financial sector where female representation at senior levels remains low. This not only sets an example for other companies but also helps Mintago better understand and address the unique financial challenges faced by women.
The policies and practices implemented by Mintago, such as a recruitment policy that reaches a broad range of candidates and remote working opportunities, have contributed to attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Regular diversity and inclusion training provided to employees helps create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. The performance management process is also monitored and reviewed to ensure fairness and lack of bias.
Overall, Mintago's commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion has had a positive impact on its clients/target audience. The company's diverse workforce brings together individuals with different perspectives, skills, and backgrounds, allowing them to create services and solutions that cater to the needs of a wide range of individuals. This commitment demonstrates Mintago's understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion in building a successful and socially conscious business.

Provide an overview on how your initiative has impacted diversity and inclusion related issues.
Mintago's initiative has impacted diversity and inclusion-related issues in several ways:
Accessible Financial Education: By providing educational resources and tools, Mintago helps bridge the knowledge gap and empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to make informed financial decisions. This accessibility can contribute to greater financial inclusion.
Personalised Advice: Personal finance is not a one-size-fits-all matter. Mintago uses data analytics and AI algorithms to offer personalised recommendations tailored to individuals' circumstances. This can benefit individuals from various socioeconomic backgrounds and help address systemic biases.
Equal Access to Services: Traditional financial institutions have sometimes overlooked specific demographics, resulting in limited access to financial services for marginalised groups. Mintago provides equal access to financial products and services, ensuring that individuals of all backgrounds have the opportunity to save, invest, and improve their financial situation.
Diversity in Product Development: A diverse and inclusive team behind the development of the platform can bring different perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table. This diversity can result in the creation of financial tools and features that address the unique needs of underrepresented communities.
Partnerships and Outreach: Mintago actively seeks partnerships with organisations focused on diversity and inclusion. Collaborating with such organisations can help create targeted outreach programmes and initiatives to reach underserved communities and ensure that their specific needs are addressed.

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Annie Shand
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