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UK D&I Workgroup at SLB | London, UK

The SLB UK D&I Workgroup is a group of 7 HR professionals from all parts of the function and with a range of experiences and backgrounds. Setup in 2019, the team meets once a fortnight and works tirelessly to advocate for the D&I objectives of the company and to champion the specific regional inclusion needs of the UK business and employees.
Governance and approach

The UK D&I Workgroup is sponsored by the UK HR Manager. Sub-committees provide leadership opportunities for other members of the team to encourage growth and knowledge development.
The team has developed a mindfulness approach to inclusion with a view to actively influencing the evolution of the business and its culture. The Workgroup aims to create an inclusive working environment where everyone can bring their true self to work. The members actively encourage opportunities for diverse businesses to participate in our supply chain and support positive social outcomes in the community.

Activities The UK D&I Workgroup was instrumental in sponsoring the LBGT+ Allies Employee Resource Group (ERG) in the company. With the central D&I team, the Workgroup advocated for the needs of the community—highlighting the specific challenges faced by LGBT+ employees in an international company to senior management. In a conservative industry, being specific and purposeful about the actions taken sends a strong message of inclusion and support to the LGBT+ community. In 2021, the team invited a leading Trans activist (Bobbi Pickard) to address the UK employee population and to share her experiences in the workplace and in a similar working environment. This event was attended by more than 240 employees and drew significant positive feedback. In 2022, the team worked with the LGBT+ Allies ERG and central D&I team to deliver a live session hosting the former CEO of a major international organization who discussed his own experience as a member of the LGBT+ community with an invited audience. The event was filmed and subsequently shared with a global internal audience.

A voluntary D&I survey for all UK-based employees, was run by the UK D&I Workgroup in 2021— the results of this survey, provided by over a quarter of the UK population, offered an opportunity to employees to anonymously self-identify as part of an underrepresented group and the results have guided some of the actions taken since.

The growth and development of women in what is a traditionally male-dominated industry has been a key focus for the company for many years. In 2019, the company’s UK workforce comprised 19% female. In 2022, this had improved to 22%. The UK D&I Workgroup strives to support the company’s ongoing focus in this area. Many actions have been taken including improving awareness of gender-related topics through partnership with the company’s Connect Women ERG, and through many speaker and webinar opportunities. The team has also worked with the benefits organization to enhance core private medical coverage benefits to include menopause consultation and advice and neurodiversity support for families.

The topic of disability is one the Workgroup has focused on for the last few years. Since obtaining the Disability Confident – Committed (level 1 of the UK Government Disability Confidence scheme) in 2022, and earlier this year successfully achieving level 2 – Disability Confident – Employer, the team is pushing for better inclusion across our recruiting and retention practices and actively seeks to encourage non-traditional routes to employment which has led to several hires. Live training was provided for all the UK HR team to improve disability awareness, and as an example of the mindfulness approach of the team, they opened this training to the global recruiting team to ensure maximum benefit for all.


The SLB Seniority Awards Programme is a longstanding tradition that recognizes our employees’ expertise, commitment, and contribution to the organization. Employees are celebrated at every 5-year milestone through specific events where they are presented with high-quality lapel pins and plaques with additional recognition and gifts when an employee reaches their 20-year milestone. The UK HR and D&I teams play an important part in maintaining this tradition and ensuring that managers understand and embrace the importance of the milestones for employees’ morale and sense of inclusion and belonging across the wider culture of the company.
Members of the UK D&I Workgroup are also active in external organisations—to support outreach and community goals. Christelle Labbe is a Director of the Permits Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organisation campaigning globally to improve work permit regulations so partners of highly skilled international employees may directly access employment while in the host country. This includes both married spouses and unmarried partners irrespective of gender and supports both our female and LGBT+ work.
Your Name (required) Rebecca Netley Your Email (required) Company Name (required) SLB Names & Job titles of team members: Rebecca Netley, West Europe HR Compliance Manager
Christelle Labbe, HR Manager, UK
Jane Thomson, Retirement & Savings SME
Kinda Samaan, EUR Benefits Manager
Leanne Peacock, Senior Compensation Value Expert
Mhairi Stephen Jervis, HR Intern, London, HQ
Blessing Ozo, D&I Communications Student Intern
Please provide an overview of the work your team delivers: The SLB UK D&I Workgroup is a group of 7 HR professionals from all parts of the function and with a range of experiences and backgrounds. Setup in 2019, the team meets once a fortnight and works tirelessly to advocate for the D&I objectives of the company and to champion the specific regional inclusion needs of the UK business and employees.

Please list any significant achievements made by your team since its inception: Since its inception, the team has: • started a voluntary D&I survey for all UK-based employees to help guide actions moving forward. • driven culture change in the wider organisation based on their work with LGBTQIA+ employees including advocating for the LGBT+ Allies Employee Resource Group. • successfully achieved levels 1 and 2 of the Disability Confidence scheme. • supported new recruiting initiatives to hire from more diverse backgrounds in the UK. • Influenced the facilities organisation to enhance the inclusive workplace design for the UK’s newest office. What impact has your team had on the organisation? The UK D&I Workgroup presents a model for other D&I workgroups and councils across the company and members are invited to share best-practice and knowledge with other groups across the company.

Please provide an endorsing statement from someone who can support this nomination (Max. 500 words)

“The UK D&I Workgroup has really changed the mindset within SLB from an LGBTQ+ perspective and their leadership helped to give support to form the LGBT+ Allies ERG (Employee Resource Group).
They have had such a positive impact on the working culture in the UK—and beyond—and their initiatives on discussions have covered diverse topics such as Dual Careers for Same-Sex Couples, LGBTQ+ SLB team members working offshore as well as industry speakers such as Bobbi Pickard to get a firsthand account of the trans experience in the industry.
As an LGBTQ+ person, I have felt supported and included by this team and it has really grown my confidence now to support younger and new team members who are navigating how to be their true authentic selves.
The work of the group has expanded now to Disability Inclusion and the working group helps evolve the discussion and grow understanding of the challenges faced by those with a disability or long-term health condition for the wider team.
This work has culminated in the addition of significant changes during the major refurbishment of our newest facilities in Crawley. The innovative solutions implemented throughout the building make this office a role model for inclusive design across the company.”
Ben Hayes, MPS PC Purification Solutions Manager