Names & Job titles of team members: Wincanton EDF Team (a lot to mention)
Profile summary (Bio): Wincanton is a leading UK Logistics and Warehousing provider and partnering with companies such as B&Q, M&S, Adidas, Valero, Thales, Sephora and many more. We have worked with EDF since 2018 to support the build of Hinkley Point C.
Please provide an overview of the work your team delivers: Warehouse solutions to the HPC project, with some not so typical teams, such as a Nuclear Care & maintenance Technicians, Document Control – reviewing ‘Lifetime Quality Records’ that will be used until the decommission of the Build. Alongside the vast teams within the operation, diligently checking and securing thousands of items to be used on the construction of the Nuclear Build.
Please list any significant achievements made by your team since its inception: Our Gender ratio is 10% above the industries average, focusing on a more inclusive approach to onboarding and flexibility, ensuring we have a diverse interview panel, clear and open communication. Increasing the flexibility for working parents has also supported and welcomed those with disabilities, that may in previous employment been limited with the expectations of a 40-hour working week, we promote and value dynamic working patterns for the colleagues and business. Partnering with Discovery/Dimensions, offering placements to young adults with Learning Disabilities and empowered our management to be aware of their ‘situational management’ and use it with everyone, it’s not one size fits all within our team, we focus on individuals and equity. It starts from day one, evaluating what we need in role, skipping the jargon, sending out interview questions ahead of time, adapting the interview to those within it, early engagement with support functions, job coaches, Occupational Health, carers and translators. Keeping the focus once employed, engaging with management, talking openly about taboo subjects and advocating for adjustments.
What impact has your team had on the organisation? It has expanded our talent pool, bringing in new ideas and approaches to the business, allowing us to create a welcoming and inclusive culture across the contract as well as for those visiting, contractors, clients and stakeholders. The team are more cohesive and understanding, it’s not always about the journey, it’s the destination that’s the main focus. We will get there, it’s just how. The team rally together, talk highly of one another and support them. As a business it supports recruitment costs and productivity when colleagues have psychological safety within work and as a social value aspect, seeing the team be representative of the world around us is incredible to see. Working with people continuously around behaviours and languages is key, giving people the security and support to discuss matters without fear has empowered colleagues and management to speak about their experiences, learn from them and allowed us to put into place awareness briefs, training and support.