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Seema Flower | London, UK

Provide in-depth information about your consultancy and what services you provide

Blind Ambition, founded and led by Seema Flower, is a pioneering consultancy specialising in disability inclusion, accessibility, and diversity training. Our mission is to bridge the gap between disabled individuals and the wider community by fostering understanding, inclusivity, and equal opportunities in the workplace and beyond.

Our services include:

  • Disability Awareness Training: We educate businesses on how to create a more inclusive environment for disabled employees and customers.
  • Accessibility Audits: We assess physical spaces and digital platforms to ensure they are accessible to all, providing detailed recommendations for improvements.
  • Consultancy Services: We offer strategic advice on diversity and inclusion policies, helping organisations to integrate inclusive practices into their core operations.
  • Employment Support Programmes: We assist disabled individuals in securing and maintaining employment, offering tailored coaching and training.
  • Public Speaking and Workshops: Seema Flower frequently speaks at conferences and conducts workshops to raise awareness and share best practices on inclusivity.

How long has your consultancy been trading?

Blind Ambition has been operating since 2007, providing over 16 years of dedicated service to enhance inclusivity and accessibility in various sectors.

What is your USP?

Our (USP) lies in our firsthand experience and deep understanding of the challenges faced by disabled individuals, combined with Seema Flower’s expertise as a blind professional and a qualified careers advisor. This unique perspective allows us to offer genuinely empathetic and practical solutions that make a real difference.

Please provide a profile on the types of organisations you work with

Blind Ambition works with a diverse range of organisations, including:

  • Corporate Sector: Large multinational companies seeking to enhance their diversity and inclusion practices.
  • Public Sector: Government agencies and local councils aiming to improve their accessibility standards and employ more disabled individuals.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools, colleges, and universities striving to create inclusive learning environments.
  • Healthcare Providers: Hospitals and clinics ensuring their services are accessible to all patients.
  • Non-Profit Organisations: Charities and advocacy groups working towards the welfare of disabled individuals.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Businesses looking to improve their accessibility and inclusivity on a smaller scale.

Provide knowledge on why you think you have been selected for the Consultancy of the Year Award?

Blind Ambition’s selection for the Consultancy of the Year Award is likely due to our sustained impact and innovative approach to disability inclusion. Our bespoke services, grounded in lived experience and professional expertise, have consistently helped organisations transform their practices and create more inclusive environments. Additionally, Seema Flower’s recognition as a leading figure in the disability sector, including her inclusion in the Shaw Trust’s Power 100 list, underscores our credibility and influence.

What impact do you feel your consultancy has had on your clients/target audience?

Our consultancy has had a profound impact on our clients and target audience:

  • Increased Awareness: We have significantly raised awareness about the importance of disability inclusion, leading to more empathetic and informed workplaces.
  • Improved Accessibility: Our audits and recommendations have led to tangible improvements in the accessibility of physical and digital spaces, making them more user-friendly for disabled individuals.
  • Enhanced Employment Opportunities: Through our employment support programmes, many disabled individuals have secured meaningful employment, contributing to reduced unemployment rates among this demographic.
  • Policy Integration: Our strategic consultancy services have helped organisations integrate inclusive practices into their core policies, ensuring long-term commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  • Empowerment: Our training and workshops have empowered countless individuals and organisations to embrace diversity, fostering a more inclusive society overall.